I have decided to share this story because it was such a much-needed reminder of meaning of the Christmas season.
As most of you know, I am pregnant and have about 4-5 weeks to go. For the most part I can honestly say I have enjoyed the third trimester the most thus far...but that does not mean I do not like to complain every now and then, and maybe milk the annoying pregnancy side effects a bit.
In light of being pregnant and the holiday season, I have been missing my mom a lot lately. So when I called her to whine the other day, I was annoyed when she seemed distracted, interrupting me twice and then cutting our call short to take a call she said she had been waiting on. I blew it off for the most part, I consider myself pretty easy going, but I am now a bit ashamed of some of the first thoughts that went through my head. This is supposed to be all about me dammit!
Well when she finally called me back later, it was to tell me about the important call she had to take and it almost made me cry right there on the phone...first out of guilt, then out of sheer admiration for the amazing person my mom is.
She began by telling me about a girl who is a student at her school, whom had asked my mom if she could use the art room to make a tree topper for their tree at home; she and her father couldn't afford to buy one. The girl and her father had only recently moved there, after obtaining custody of her.
My mom made a few calls and has since pulled some things together, to not only help give this little family a well-deserved first Christmas together, but also some other things for them to use around their house; including a bed for a child who had been sleeping on the floor.
I have not been able to stop thinking about this. There is a big world out there, and so many of us forget that there are some seriously terrible things that happen to people. We forget to first thank God, to count our blessings, express gratitude and show some love and compassion to others.
The very nature of a complaint starts with a need that isn't being met. This story has put some of the motivators behind my complaints into a very different perspective. Today I began my day by thanking God for my cankles, sore back and never-empty bladder because it means I have been granted the gift of bringing a child into this world. A gift that reminds me of it's presence throughout each day, moving inside me and creating a feeling of love I never thought possible. Mom, I hope you know how amazing you are and thank you for bringing me back to reality this Christmas season. I love you and can't wait to see you when you come to welcome this little gift to the world!
Watching my super athletic father die of cancer, then dealing with the natural depression that followed, initially inspired me to seek a healthier life. I was led to a lifestyle that best meets our genetic needs. This is what I believe to be THE answer to optimal health and wellbeing. I invite you to toss your conventional fork and spoon, and come along with me, as we re-learn what our primal ancestors knew all along.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Pregnant and out of control...Part I
I feel obligated to warn you, the following article contains what some may consider T.M.I. Pregnancy has all but demolished my modesty and I really wanted this to be as honest as possible! I am sure some of you can relate, some of you will find humor, and some of you may never read my blog again. This is a chance I am willing to take. Carry on...
In the early days, when my husband and I decided to try for a baby, I found myself frequently wondering and hoping that the changes I have made to my health and lifestyle would have a positive affect on some of the less than desirable pregnancy symptoms I had read about (and begun to dread). Let me be the first to tell you that since my body has been taken over by the life-sucking parasite precious life growing inside me, this is simply NOT THE CASE. Thus far, it seems that the only thing health has had a positive effect on was fertility.
Case in point:
Hubby and I stop trying to prevent pregnancy in February. A couple of months go by and nothing happens. In April, we make an active attempt at it and POOF, four weeks later the test came back positive. For anyone who knows Kevin, his response may make you laugh... "It's too soon, I need more proof..." And just like that, the fun part was over.
Please don't mistake me here, we were ecstatic. I knew I was "late" and was waiting for that optimal morning pee to confirm it, so of course I was restless and broke out the test around at 5 a.m. Positive! Woke the hubby up and his first reply was a happy smile followed by, "that's awesome, will you still be pregnant in two hours?" An early preview of the kid on Christmas, I believe.
Due to a large family, and the ever-growing popularity of social networking, we made the decision to not tell anyone until the chance of miscarriage was lower, around 12 weeks. We made it about 8 of these weeks. Ok, ok, so I called my sisters and my mom like two days after I found out. Then felt bad so I confessed my sins to the hubby. Then felt worse and had to call his mom...and it went from there. The Facebook world may not have known until 12 weeks, but I can't be sure. So the first trimester begins.
The First Trimester:
I would like to start my saying I feel I was extremely lucky in the morning sickness department. Apart from a few instances of nausea, I never actually threw up and feel as if I dodged a cannonball as opposed to the usual bullet. Thank you Lord!
False Hope
I felt pretty amazing the first 8 weeks or so. I actually felt stronger in the gym, and my energy was surged on my excitement and happiness. Slowly but surely, this energy began to disappear. For those of you who know me well, I operate on a pretty fast pace during my waking hours. It has been one of the many wonderful things about healthy lifestyle I have taken on. Around week 9-10, I found myself wanting naps for the first time in over a year. In an effort to listen to my body, I grabbed a nap as often as possible and am pretty sure I took more naps in two months that I had in the entire previous year. It was wonderful and frustrating at the same time. I love my life, my job and my energy levels. Again, for those of you who know me well, I am a bit of a control freak; so being exhausted all the time was extremely hard for me. I am fortunate to have flexible job hours that allowed me the time to sneak in the naps.
The Super Smeller
While I did escape the full blown morning sickness, I learned that a heightened sense of smell can still lead to bouts of nausea and unexpected food aversions. The worst one happened way to close to home...it was the first time in 13 years that I realized how bad my husbands feet smell.
Just when you think you know someone so well...I only recently learned that he does not wear socks with his gym shoes. Seriously?!?! I have presently lost count of how many time I have almost thrown his damn shoes in the trash. I have set them outside a time or two, shut them in a spare room...the smell still lingers for hours. All threats of washing them were met a death stare and complaints about ruining the perfect fit. **I have to add here that the day before I was finally ready to publish this post, Kevin washed his shoes. I was in shock...until we realized that it didn't really seem to help...
The only other dramatic thing I ran into may have ruined me on asparagus forever...One of the gym locations I work at is next to a catering business and there was one day they were cooking something that smelled like overcooked, canned asparagus (aka dirty socks). I had to leave the building that day and the first thing I did when I got home was freeze the fresh asparagus I had just bought at the market a few days before. I have not even been able to stomach the thought of it since.
Weird cravings?
Maybe...I went through a phase where the only thing that sounded good was grapefruit or a combination of sweet potato, ground beef and eggs...kind of like a hash, but absolutely no seasoning allowed. The only thing that has really stuck around is my hankering for sweet potatoes. I have had to fight off many many ice cream cravings, managing to keep the indulgences at a minimum. As disgruntled as this makes me, my midwife insists my body will thank me later.
The Second Trimester:
The Proverbial "Break"
I have had a lot of women tell me that the second trimester is the best. I had read/heard about a surge of energy and was very much looking forward to that. I quickly learned that the surge of energy for me just meant I wanted only one nap a day as opposed to two. A second round of applause for a flexible work schedule!
Nausea mercifully dissipated, only to be replaced by severe cramping (technically termed "round ligament pains"), which put another dent in my desired activity level. Workouts were becoming harder and long walks were pretty much out. Talk about learning to relinquish my control issues. My mom insists that this is good for me. I am not sure I am sold on this yet.
Patience eludes me
I usually pride myself on my tolerance for people, my patience with my loved ones, and the ability to tune out the stuff that bothers me. This all seems to have been completely shut off. In fact, I am almost convinced the world has gotten dumber in the past few months. I would like to enter a disclaimer here: I apologize in advance for snapping at you, being short with you, or making some snarky comment that should have been kept inside my head. This applies to friends, family members, gym members and helpless passersby on the street. This is a temporary situation!
Everybody poops...except me
Everybody Poops is one of my favorite children's books. Pregnant women are not mentioned in this book...for good reason. It took me weeks of trial and error, but I finally nailed down a blended concoction of aloe juice, tons of green veggies and a side shot of Braggs apple cider vinegar, topped with a probiotic that seems to keep things moving.
(Anyone interested in the exact recipe, message me for details - please note, palatable taste is not included.)
The good stuff
Knowing it could finally hear us made me start to worry that the baby would think all I do is yell. I spend all day yelling in front of fitness classes, then come home and spend the evening yelling at the dogs. I felt I had to remedy this is a hurry and have been giving the little one a nightly dose of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds, along with some other soft-voiced sentiments. It is truly amazing how much love I already feel for the little bugger.
Week 15 was when I felt the first little flutters in my belly. I quickly began to look forward to the time I spend daily, sitting in concentrated silence, waiting for those little kicks...that quickly grew into big kicks. Soon enough I didn't even have to focus anymore, and now I can see my belly move from the outside!
Does this make it all of the above crap (or lack-there-of) worth it? Every. Single. Bit.
The Third Trimester:
To come! I feel as if I have taken enough of your time for now :) Stay tuned for Part II!
The Super Smeller
While I did escape the full blown morning sickness, I learned that a heightened sense of smell can still lead to bouts of nausea and unexpected food aversions. The worst one happened way to close to home...it was the first time in 13 years that I realized how bad my husbands feet smell.
Just when you think you know someone so well...I only recently learned that he does not wear socks with his gym shoes. Seriously?!?! I have presently lost count of how many time I have almost thrown his damn shoes in the trash. I have set them outside a time or two, shut them in a spare room...the smell still lingers for hours. All threats of washing them were met a death stare and complaints about ruining the perfect fit. **I have to add here that the day before I was finally ready to publish this post, Kevin washed his shoes. I was in shock...until we realized that it didn't really seem to help...
The only other dramatic thing I ran into may have ruined me on asparagus forever...One of the gym locations I work at is next to a catering business and there was one day they were cooking something that smelled like overcooked, canned asparagus (aka dirty socks). I had to leave the building that day and the first thing I did when I got home was freeze the fresh asparagus I had just bought at the market a few days before. I have not even been able to stomach the thought of it since.
Weird cravings?
Maybe...I went through a phase where the only thing that sounded good was grapefruit or a combination of sweet potato, ground beef and eggs...kind of like a hash, but absolutely no seasoning allowed. The only thing that has really stuck around is my hankering for sweet potatoes. I have had to fight off many many ice cream cravings, managing to keep the indulgences at a minimum. As disgruntled as this makes me, my midwife insists my body will thank me later.
The Second Trimester:
The Proverbial "Break"
I have had a lot of women tell me that the second trimester is the best. I had read/heard about a surge of energy and was very much looking forward to that. I quickly learned that the surge of energy for me just meant I wanted only one nap a day as opposed to two. A second round of applause for a flexible work schedule!
Nausea mercifully dissipated, only to be replaced by severe cramping (technically termed "round ligament pains"), which put another dent in my desired activity level. Workouts were becoming harder and long walks were pretty much out. Talk about learning to relinquish my control issues. My mom insists that this is good for me. I am not sure I am sold on this yet.
Patience eludes me
I usually pride myself on my tolerance for people, my patience with my loved ones, and the ability to tune out the stuff that bothers me. This all seems to have been completely shut off. In fact, I am almost convinced the world has gotten dumber in the past few months. I would like to enter a disclaimer here: I apologize in advance for snapping at you, being short with you, or making some snarky comment that should have been kept inside my head. This applies to friends, family members, gym members and helpless passersby on the street. This is a temporary situation!
Everybody poops...except me
Everybody Poops is one of my favorite children's books. Pregnant women are not mentioned in this book...for good reason. It took me weeks of trial and error, but I finally nailed down a blended concoction of aloe juice, tons of green veggies and a side shot of Braggs apple cider vinegar, topped with a probiotic that seems to keep things moving.
(Anyone interested in the exact recipe, message me for details - please note, palatable taste is not included.)
The good stuff
Knowing it could finally hear us made me start to worry that the baby would think all I do is yell. I spend all day yelling in front of fitness classes, then come home and spend the evening yelling at the dogs. I felt I had to remedy this is a hurry and have been giving the little one a nightly dose of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds, along with some other soft-voiced sentiments. It is truly amazing how much love I already feel for the little bugger.
Week 15 was when I felt the first little flutters in my belly. I quickly began to look forward to the time I spend daily, sitting in concentrated silence, waiting for those little kicks...that quickly grew into big kicks. Soon enough I didn't even have to focus anymore, and now I can see my belly move from the outside!
Does this make it all of the above crap (or lack-there-of) worth it? Every. Single. Bit.
The Third Trimester:
To come! I feel as if I have taken enough of your time for now :) Stay tuned for Part II!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Find and Embrace Your Process
"A goal is nothing without an action"
Setting goals and finding your cause is something we really encourage our members to do at Eupraxia. But what do you think happens to those goals if you do not take steps to reach them?
"Eating healthy" and "getting into shape" are not really things that tangibly exist. Only the process of getting, preparing, and eating good food exists. The process of lacing up your shoes, getting to the gym and working as hard as you can is what is real. The goal is just the projected future in your head, so it becomes up to you to find the motivation and the mindset to take the steps towards action!
"Learn to love your process!"
If you toss and turn all night dreading that early workout, only to drag yourself out the door because you feel like it's "something you have to do" then your fitness goals instantly become a lot harder to reach. If you feel like you have to go out of your way to get healthier food and spend all that time preparing it, you will have a harder time attaining optimal health.Then, in the end, even if you did still manage to reach your goals, the journey would have not been a pleasant one, and all of this unpleasantness would be entirely unnecessary!
I am a firm believer that there is something to enjoy in almost every instance in life, and your personal perspective is often all that needs to change. If you learn to love the drive to the gym, the warm-up time when you can chat with a friend, or even the whole workout, then this becomes something you look forward to. If you start to enjoy the process of selecting the best tomato or cut of meat and the time to yourself in the kitchen cooking, you are already on your way to being healthier!
Doing something we find no love or value in, just to get to our imagined future, is only making things harder than they need to be.
"What we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding" -David Allen
Resistance happens, and often we resist things that we know are good for us. Recognizing that it is a choice we personally make gives us the power to change it. The power to break a habit or stop one from forming.
The truth is, there is one thing you always have and that is the present moment action. If that action is driven by a goal, we get to choose which way to turn. You can't "do" a goal, but you can do the tasks that lead to it. Choose to keep moving towards your goal! Allowing yourself to feel the joy in your process will ultimately lead towards self-compassion, and steps to greater health. Commitment and dedication are what turn dreams into reality!
Stay Healthy!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Perception versus Reality
I spend a lot of time thinking (and getting frustrated) about the many perceptions that society tells us are healthy and attractive. Standing in line at the grocery store alone bombards us with fitness magazines showing a front cover image of a man or woman with 6-pack abs. I also recently read something about how the big thing for young girls is for your thighs not to touch. (Say what?!?! I can't remember my thighs ever NOT touching!) Key point here: Things like this are terrible determining factors for health!
Let's take the 6-pack abs. This is truly not natural for the vast majority of people, especially women. For many people to get there, they have to have some very specific things going on with their diet, their exercise and sometimes even have pharmaceutical help. To achieve anything unnatural in nature becomes very complex.
However, avoiding obesity, diabetes, and disease is very natural. Our genes and our bodies seek homeostasis. This can be seen in every generation that has ever lived, up until approximately the last 50 years. Since the 1950s, the number of people with diabetes in the US has skyrocketed 500%; and we have gone from approximately 13% of obese adults to around 35%, just since the 1960s. This tells me that this slimmer, healthier state has to be simple; it is what everybody just did, and what our bodies innately desire! It does not become complicated until we start viewing things that are unnatural as natural (ie: 6 pack abs) and when we continue to try to live in an artificial world.
Since the dawn of time, people managed to avoid these issues without things like prescriptions, dieting and gimmicks. If it truly was hard, we would have become extinct! The question we may need to ask is why did it become complex? This is a perfect example of the difference between simple and easy. We all know how to not get lung cancer, just don't smoke. Simple. But quitting smoking? This is not easy! I know this from first-hand experience.
I once heard a blogger named Jonathan Bailor say that: the real issue is that it is hard in our modern world to see the simplicity that lies at the heart of health. Take the world around us, which tells us "everything in moderation." But where do we draw the line? I am more inclined to agree with Oscar Wilde on this moderation subject:
It makes me so sad to see someone making healthy choices in the kitchen, and getting fit and strong from their workouts, then being disappointed with results because they are comparing themselves to a fitness model, or because they are dwelling on that extra 10-20 pounds or 2% points of body fat. If this is your situation then congratulations, you have already succeeded!
If you live a smart and healthy lifestyle, you are going to have more muscle than any BMI chart or desirable weight graph can tell you, and it would be in your best interest just to throw those away. They are irrelevant to the lifestyle I advocate, the lifestyle we teach at Eupraxia, and letting someone tell you what your "correct weight" is can do more damage to your health than good. Who decides what an appropriate weight is? If you want to use a measure, go by your pants size, your energy level, and whether or not you can keep up with your kids or grand-kids. Don't focus on that last 10 pounds! Don't work so hard to be healthy, fit and strong only to be discouraged by the extra weight you think you have to loose!
Please comment or Facebook me anytime. Until then dear readers, stay healthy!
Let's take the 6-pack abs. This is truly not natural for the vast majority of people, especially women. For many people to get there, they have to have some very specific things going on with their diet, their exercise and sometimes even have pharmaceutical help. To achieve anything unnatural in nature becomes very complex.
However, avoiding obesity, diabetes, and disease is very natural. Our genes and our bodies seek homeostasis. This can be seen in every generation that has ever lived, up until approximately the last 50 years. Since the 1950s, the number of people with diabetes in the US has skyrocketed 500%; and we have gone from approximately 13% of obese adults to around 35%, just since the 1960s. This tells me that this slimmer, healthier state has to be simple; it is what everybody just did, and what our bodies innately desire! It does not become complicated until we start viewing things that are unnatural as natural (ie: 6 pack abs) and when we continue to try to live in an artificial world.
Since the dawn of time, people managed to avoid these issues without things like prescriptions, dieting and gimmicks. If it truly was hard, we would have become extinct! The question we may need to ask is why did it become complex? This is a perfect example of the difference between simple and easy. We all know how to not get lung cancer, just don't smoke. Simple. But quitting smoking? This is not easy! I know this from first-hand experience.
I once heard a blogger named Jonathan Bailor say that: the real issue is that it is hard in our modern world to see the simplicity that lies at the heart of health. Take the world around us, which tells us "everything in moderation." But where do we draw the line? I am more inclined to agree with Oscar Wilde on this moderation subject:
"Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess."What I like to talk about and what we teach at Eupraxia is the smartest and safest way to obtain overall health. I have said it before, and I will say it again. You do not have to be perfect to be healthy! Start with some simple shifts, empower yourself with knowledge and get your body moving!
It makes me so sad to see someone making healthy choices in the kitchen, and getting fit and strong from their workouts, then being disappointed with results because they are comparing themselves to a fitness model, or because they are dwelling on that extra 10-20 pounds or 2% points of body fat. If this is your situation then congratulations, you have already succeeded!
If you live a smart and healthy lifestyle, you are going to have more muscle than any BMI chart or desirable weight graph can tell you, and it would be in your best interest just to throw those away. They are irrelevant to the lifestyle I advocate, the lifestyle we teach at Eupraxia, and letting someone tell you what your "correct weight" is can do more damage to your health than good. Who decides what an appropriate weight is? If you want to use a measure, go by your pants size, your energy level, and whether or not you can keep up with your kids or grand-kids. Don't focus on that last 10 pounds! Don't work so hard to be healthy, fit and strong only to be discouraged by the extra weight you think you have to loose!
Please comment or Facebook me anytime. Until then dear readers, stay healthy!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Simple Shift to Healthier Choices
This post is something I recently shared with the Eupraxia newsletter subscribers but I though it deserved a spot on my personal blog as well! Believe me when I say I know how hard it can be to make changes to a diet you have been eating for years.There are so many factors at play when it comes to saying no to that donut or sandwich, and let's face it, some of these foods really are down right addicting. The good news is that you can approach things at your own pace, set personal goals and make simple shifts along the way; all of which will drastically improve your health!
Change your oils!
This first one is super easy and super beneficial. I really recommend getting the various canola/vegetable oils out of the house. The unfortunate truth behind these oils is that they can really be harmful to your health. For detailed information on this check out this link.
You can greatly improve your overall health simply by replacing them with things like a good olive oil and coconut oil.
Change your flour!
Finding coconut and almond flour was a small miracle in my life. I vividly remember my first big craving after giving up grains, and it was for lemon poppyseed muffins. I made a desperate online search for a healthier alternative, invested is some coconut flour and was able to indulge for a day; And I do mean a day. I think my husband and I ate every single muffin that Sunday.
I paid the price for that over-indulgence dearly...spending the evening on the couch...bloated, with a stomach ache that lasted for hours. I have since learned some control. This is the key word here: CONTROL. These flours are meant to replace treats and should be treated as just that...treats. Switching your Bisquick pancake breakfast to almond flour pancakes three or four days a week is probably not the best idea. But knowing that there is a great recipe waiting for you on a relaxing Saturday morning will certainly make it easier to make good choices the rest of the week.
Change your produce!
And eat MORE of it! Organic and/or local really is the way to go. Most of you will know that a garden tomato tastes better than one from the store. Not only is the flavor better, but they also have more nutrition and little to no chemicals or pesticides. Fortunately there is still plenty of summer left to take advantage of the local farmers markets and there is one in this area at least five days a week. Check out this schedule.
The Peoples Food Coop on 5th and Cass Street in downtown La Crosse has some of the best and cheapest produce in town. I do know that organic is often more expensive and many of you may be on a budget. Here is a list that is updated every year to tell you about the best fruits and vegetables to buy organic and the safest ones to continue to buy conventional.
Change your meats!
Switching over to grass-fed meat, wild game (good news for hunters!), free-range chicken or turkey, and wild caught fish will get you the best nutrition for sure. The catch? It is for sure more expensive. Again, the Peoples Food Coop is my go-to here. You can get grass-fed beef for around $5 a pound, and they also sell grass-fed beef steaks, lamb, bison, wild caught fish and more, There are also several local meat vendors at the Cameron Park Farmers Market on Friday evenings, and several area farms you can purchase meat from directly.Some key points to remember here! You don't have to be perfect to be healthy. The conventional steak on sale will always be better than the bagel sandwich. No matter where the burger comes from, you will always be better off without the bun. Top it off with a fried egg and some avocado and you have a pretty delicious meal!
Change your attitude!
Choosing not to eat something versus thinking you CAN'T eat something can make all of the difference in the world. Train yourself to think differently, approach your meals with a different mindset and don't forget to just ignore those around you who try to tempt you with the office cookie. You can enjoy your garden fresh cucumbers or apple slices and smile, knowing in your mind who is really getting the reward here.
Hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to utilize your Eupraxia trainers as resources, we are here to help! Facebook and email (info@eupraxia.us) are excellent ways to reach out!
Stay Healthy!
Change your oils!
This first one is super easy and super beneficial. I really recommend getting the various canola/vegetable oils out of the house. The unfortunate truth behind these oils is that they can really be harmful to your health. For detailed information on this check out this link.
You can greatly improve your overall health simply by replacing them with things like a good olive oil and coconut oil.
Change your flour!
Finding coconut and almond flour was a small miracle in my life. I vividly remember my first big craving after giving up grains, and it was for lemon poppyseed muffins. I made a desperate online search for a healthier alternative, invested is some coconut flour and was able to indulge for a day; And I do mean a day. I think my husband and I ate every single muffin that Sunday.
I paid the price for that over-indulgence dearly...spending the evening on the couch...bloated, with a stomach ache that lasted for hours. I have since learned some control. This is the key word here: CONTROL. These flours are meant to replace treats and should be treated as just that...treats. Switching your Bisquick pancake breakfast to almond flour pancakes three or four days a week is probably not the best idea. But knowing that there is a great recipe waiting for you on a relaxing Saturday morning will certainly make it easier to make good choices the rest of the week.
Change your produce!
And eat MORE of it! Organic and/or local really is the way to go. Most of you will know that a garden tomato tastes better than one from the store. Not only is the flavor better, but they also have more nutrition and little to no chemicals or pesticides. Fortunately there is still plenty of summer left to take advantage of the local farmers markets and there is one in this area at least five days a week. Check out this schedule.
The Peoples Food Coop on 5th and Cass Street in downtown La Crosse has some of the best and cheapest produce in town. I do know that organic is often more expensive and many of you may be on a budget. Here is a list that is updated every year to tell you about the best fruits and vegetables to buy organic and the safest ones to continue to buy conventional.
Change your meats!
Switching over to grass-fed meat, wild game (good news for hunters!), free-range chicken or turkey, and wild caught fish will get you the best nutrition for sure. The catch? It is for sure more expensive. Again, the Peoples Food Coop is my go-to here. You can get grass-fed beef for around $5 a pound, and they also sell grass-fed beef steaks, lamb, bison, wild caught fish and more, There are also several local meat vendors at the Cameron Park Farmers Market on Friday evenings, and several area farms you can purchase meat from directly.Some key points to remember here! You don't have to be perfect to be healthy. The conventional steak on sale will always be better than the bagel sandwich. No matter where the burger comes from, you will always be better off without the bun. Top it off with a fried egg and some avocado and you have a pretty delicious meal!
Change your attitude!
Choosing not to eat something versus thinking you CAN'T eat something can make all of the difference in the world. Train yourself to think differently, approach your meals with a different mindset and don't forget to just ignore those around you who try to tempt you with the office cookie. You can enjoy your garden fresh cucumbers or apple slices and smile, knowing in your mind who is really getting the reward here.
Hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to utilize your Eupraxia trainers as resources, we are here to help! Facebook and email (info@eupraxia.us) are excellent ways to reach out!
Stay Healthy!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Non-GMO Food Companies
Hey all, most of you know how I feel about Monsanto and GMO foods, so here is a link to some food companies that are non-GMO. Make sure you still read your labels! They are not guaranteed to be grain or dairy free, (non-GMO does not automatically mean health food) but its a great place to start making smarter choices!
Ditch the Grains - Tips to get you going
There are many reasons to make the decision to cut the grains from your diet, but most of us pizza/pasta/sandwich lovers know what tough adjustment this is to make. Making this decision for health or weight-loss reasons is just the first step, but where do you go from here?
Thankfully, there are tons of cookbooks, blogs and websites out there to help you. (I will link to some of my personal favorites at the bottom of this article) but here are some quick and easy meal ideas you can use to get started right away!
Sautee some of your favorite veggies (spinach, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms...) and whip them in with a dozen eggs. Pour batter into muffin tin, grease with coconut oil and voila, 12 egg cupcakes for you to grab and go all week!
Keep some hard boiled eggs on hand.
Stock your freezer with smoothie ingredients - and remember to add a veggie to all of your smoothies! Carrots are awesome, spinach is mild flavored and kale is a superfood! Peel and freeze old bananas for smoothies to save on food waste.
Try whipping in 1/4 C pureed pumpkin or blending a banana in with two eggs for some amazing pancakes. Vanilla extract, almond butter and cinnamon make excellent additions to these, just fry them in a pan with some coconut oil like you would a regular pancake.
Make some lettuce or Flax Wraps (courtesy of Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly) and stuff with your favorite fillings. My personal favorite: avocado, thin cut carrots and turkey or chicken. The possibilities are endless!
Craving burger and fries? Patty up some grass-fed beef (around $5 bucks a pound at the Food Coop) and thinly slice a sweet potato. Bake the sweet potato fries until crispy or fry in coconut oil and top your burger with all of your favorites, wrapped in lettuce.
Get creative with the spices and seasonings! You can create all sorts of ethnic flavors to satisfy your pallet with a few simple ingredients and some great spices. Add some red or green curry paste to chicken, water chestnuts, broccoli and onion, simmer with some coconut milk and you have Thai food. Chili powder, cumin, garlic and onion powder can make a great Mexican seasoning, and basil, rosemary and garlic are awesome for anyone craving Italian. A touch of cinnamon or coffee grounds can do amazing things to a steak rub and never under-estimate the simple power of sea salt and a clove of fresh garlic.
Make friends with your slow cooker. A crock pot dinner can be a simple, easy way to get dinner on the table. Bone-in cuts of meat are usually cheaper, and turn out great when slowly cooked all day. Throw in some veggies and you have a big pot of stew!
So much can be done with a fresh bed of greens! Try topping a salad with salmon or chicken and add avocado. Fresh sugar snap peas are a great crunchy addition, coconut flakes or dried cranberries can add a touch of sweetness and almond slivers add great flavor. Bottom line? Get creative!
Hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to utilize the Eupraxia Facebook or email us at info@eupraxia.us
Stay Healthy!
Website ideas for recipes:
Friday, June 28, 2013
Change Your Internal Dialog
"Have you missed a few workouts, made some poor food choices, went back to your old habits? It’s OK, almost everyone has lapses in motivation from time to time. Now is a great time to get back on track. Remember your cause, your highest value, what is most important to you. Is it your kids, your grand-kids, your drive for success? This is why you train, why you eat well, why you strive for health. Once you see how exercise, healthy eating, and maximal health help you to be better at what you value/love the most. These lapses in motivation will be few and far between."
~Dr. Steve Czys~
~Dr. Steve Czys~
When I read this post on facebook this week, it got me thinking about a few things. First, just how far I have come, and second, just how far there is to go, as we continue down this path of life. There are always things you can do to make healthy changes easier. Finding your cause, then changing your mental attitude and internal dialog can make all the difference in the world.
It is amazing how well I can remember these battles from past years, when I was initially struggling with my weight. That defeatist attitude really can make or break your success. It quite simply comes down to this: If you tell yourself yo
u will not be successful, you will not be successful. If you tell yourself you WILL be successful, then you WILL be successful!
Easier said than done, believe me I know. First, we have to contend with the constant temptation and the people around us who have not really realized or discovered their cause, so they don't understand what you are trying to do. Here is a great opportunity to change your internal dialog! Just remember that they are dealing with their own battles and you can just smile and continue munching your apple slices or carrot sticks while they suck down candy bars and soda - while silmultaneously increasing their risk for heart disease and diabetes.
For those of you struggling to get started or struggling to keep going, here area few things that have helped me along the way!
- Set Goals and Remember your Cause - Write some things down and then put them somewhere where you will see them every day! I have mine in a sort of collage on bright colored paper tacked to the wall at the top of my stairs. It is a constant reminder of the things I am focused on, long term and short term.
- Clean out the Crap - If it is not in the house, you won't eat it! I am an all or nothing person. When I made up my mind, I never looked back; I was committed. I cleaned out the cupboards and took food I didn't want to waste to the local food pantry. Then I restocked with healthier snack options like dried fruits, nuts, jerky, fresh veggies and fruits. (If you are needing to take it slower, just removed one thing at a time. ie: start with clearing out all refined sugar and in a couple of weeks, maybe switch your milk to almond milk...)
- Dont Restrict Yourself, CHOOSE! - Rather than telling yourself you can't can't have something; CHOOSE not to eat something you know is harmful and not healthy for your body! Always remember just how poisonous those sugary treats are over time, despite how they may taste for the 5 minutes it takes to eat them. Eat to nourish your body!
- Find Healthier Alternatives - The internet opens up a whole wide world of recipes, so when you are craving that brownie or cookie, just google a recipe for ones made with almond on coconut flour.
- Never Stop Learning! - Knowledge is power! The more you read, the more you learn, then the easier it gets to make good decisions about your health. You will also be constantly reminding yourself of things like: just how powerful exercise is, new ways to prepare different foods, and even the science behind it all (if you are interested!) Technology has made it so easy to get knowledge through the internet, eBooks and podcasts.
I hope that some of this helps you, please don't hesitate to ask questions! We are available via phone and email anytime. Best of health!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
10 Warning Signs of Health
I ran across this list in a book I was reading and wanted to share it with you all! Wishing you all the health and happiness that the world has to offer, so seek it out and don't waste it!
2. A tendency to set aside a time each day to relax or mediate
3. A persistent ability to maintain close relationships
4. A tendency to adapt to changing conditions
5. A chronic appetite for physical activity
6. Acute and chronic attacks of laughter
7. A compulsion to take pleasure and fun
8. Repeated bouts of hope and optimism
9. A chronic condition of caring for your body
10. Recurrent rejection of worry
1. An increased awareness and appreciation of yourself2. A tendency to set aside a time each day to relax or mediate
3. A persistent ability to maintain close relationships
4. A tendency to adapt to changing conditions
5. A chronic appetite for physical activity
6. Acute and chronic attacks of laughter
7. A compulsion to take pleasure and fun
8. Repeated bouts of hope and optimism
9. A chronic condition of caring for your body
10. Recurrent rejection of worry
From NLP, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING by Joseph O'Connor & Ian McDermot
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Since I have been having trouble finding my own words, I am going to steal someone else's for a brief moment:
“I’m [going] through a mystified period of my life, where the more I learn, the less I know.”
-Jean-Louis Gassé, (Former Apple Computer Executive)
I never thought I would actually understand how this feels...
I have a confession to make...well, actually more than just one, but it starts with this; writers block. I have had it for weeks. I feel like my head is so full of things I want to share with as many people as possible, then I sit down to start typing and can't articulate a single word. My focus is off, my thoughts are jumbled, and the idea of staring at the computer screen for another minute feels like a chore. All of this time in my own head has led me to some reflecting.
My husband and I have often "discussed" (argued?) about what truly makes a person healthy. I personally have put a lot focus on the dietary and food aspects of health, as this seems to be the easiest one for people to take control of, and get the best results from. The hubby, on the other hand, believes more in mental aspects health; that positive thoughts and a healthy mind are more important. So where does this leave exercise? Does this ultimately mean we both seem to think healthy movement takes the back-burner? Is this perhaps a reflection of where we each feel we are/were weakest? The questions are endless.
I have to mention Dr. James Chestnut here, who uses his trio of Eat Well - Move Well - Think Well® as the lifestyle foundations for wellness and prevention. Not just one or the other, all of them. I absolutely love this, but must confess, I have placed more value on one or the other in the past. It was the progression through all of them that made me realize how much they all work together.
I have said this in previous posts, and I will say it again today to add revisions:
I truly believe that the health and wellbeing of this country starts withwhat we put into our mouthshow we eat, move and think. So many people have abandoned their human instincts and fallen victim to convenience. The misguided information that is presented to us daily through various media sources has made us disconnected with not just our food, and its source, but also to each other. It has gotten to the point that it has made us the sickest species on the planet.One of the biggest causes of debt in this country? Healthcare. Cancer, heart disease, emergency surgeries...medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy. We work hard, save for years, dreaming of retirement, only to have it wiped out by a totally avoidable heart attack. The sad and simple truth really is that this most of this can be avoided...just by changingwhat we put into our mouthshow we eat, move and think.
Last confession for the day: When I first started learning about all of this (what I like to call the true meaning of health) I did not approached my loved ones with the information very well...at all...Live and learn I suppose. I have now branded myself amongst family members as a food nazi, (to put it nicely) and it has become a bit of a taboo subject...I supposed this is deserved. I was pretty unbearable there for awhile. I am taking this moment to extend my apologies.
The personal truths I have presently come to find, is that true health can never defined by one single action, one single change, or any one single thing at all. It comes from all of these things and many more. Things like the ability to always keep learning, to be humble enough to acknowledge when you have been wrong, and to change your beliefs as you gain knowledge and experience. I hope that I never stop learning, never stop making mistakes and, therefore, never stop making confessions for your personal entertainment. As always, thank you for sticking with me dear readers. Until next time...
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Fiesta chili
As always, bear in mind that I hardly ever measure anything, so feel free to adjust anything to taste!
1lb ground beef
1lb venison chops
5 large tomatoes (or 2 cans diced toms)
2 large sweet potatoes
1 med onion
2 bell peppers (mixed colors)
1 bunch cilantro
1 jalapeño
3 garlic cloves
2-4 cups broth (or H2O)
Juice of 1 lime and 1 lemon
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp crushed red pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbs bacon grease (optional-used w/ lean meat)
Dice/chop all veggies. In a large pot on stove, melt bacon grease and brown meat with the onion, jalapeño, seasonings and garlic. Add tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Add broth, sweet potatoes and tomato paste, simmer for about 10 minutes and add diced bell peppers. Simmer on low until sweet potatoes are done, stir in cilantro and lime/lemon juice. Top with guacamole and serve!
1lb ground beef
1lb venison chops
5 large tomatoes (or 2 cans diced toms)
2 large sweet potatoes
1 med onion
2 bell peppers (mixed colors)
1 bunch cilantro
1 jalapeño
3 garlic cloves
2-4 cups broth (or H2O)
Juice of 1 lime and 1 lemon
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp crushed red pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbs bacon grease (optional-used w/ lean meat)
Dice/chop all veggies. In a large pot on stove, melt bacon grease and brown meat with the onion, jalapeño, seasonings and garlic. Add tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Add broth, sweet potatoes and tomato paste, simmer for about 10 minutes and add diced bell peppers. Simmer on low until sweet potatoes are done, stir in cilantro and lime/lemon juice. Top with guacamole and serve!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sun-dried Tomato Basil Meatloaf (or Meatballs)
Well the comments have been coming, many thanks to all of you! So, as promised, for those interested in the aforementioned recipes, here is one of them! Thanks again everyone!
1 1/2 - 2 lbs grass-fed ground beef
1 egg
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (halves or juliened to measure-then finely chop)
A handful of fresh basil (finely chopped)
1-2 cloves of garlic (minced)
1/2 lb bacon (cooked and crumbled or chopped into bits)
1-2 TBS bacon grease (from cooked bacon) - optional, but recommended!
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a large bowl, mix all of your ingredients together. I just used my hands to make sure everything gets really well mixed.
If making meatloaf: Press mixture into a pan. (I went for a 8" round cake pan and cut it like a pie when it was done.) bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check it at 20, depending on your pan. Loaf is done when center is firm and edges are pulling away from the pan. Enjoy!
If making meatballs: Shoot for the size of a ping pong ball, rolling mixture tightly. Cast-iron skillets (or anything oven-safe) work best, but is not necessary. Brown each side of your meatballs on the stove top, then bake in oven-safe dish at 350° for 10-15 minutes, or until meatballs are firm.
1 1/2 - 2 lbs grass-fed ground beef
1 egg
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (halves or juliened to measure-then finely chop)
A handful of fresh basil (finely chopped)
1-2 cloves of garlic (minced)
1/2 lb bacon (cooked and crumbled or chopped into bits)
1-2 TBS bacon grease (from cooked bacon) - optional, but recommended!
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a large bowl, mix all of your ingredients together. I just used my hands to make sure everything gets really well mixed.
If making meatloaf: Press mixture into a pan. (I went for a 8" round cake pan and cut it like a pie when it was done.) bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check it at 20, depending on your pan. Loaf is done when center is firm and edges are pulling away from the pan. Enjoy!
If making meatballs: Shoot for the size of a ping pong ball, rolling mixture tightly. Cast-iron skillets (or anything oven-safe) work best, but is not necessary. Brown each side of your meatballs on the stove top, then bake in oven-safe dish at 350° for 10-15 minutes, or until meatballs are firm.
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