Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Since I have been having trouble finding my own words, I am going to steal someone else's for a brief moment:

“I’m [going] through a mystified period of my life, where the more I learn, the less I know.”
-Jean-Louis Gassé, (Former Apple Computer Executive)

I never thought I would actually understand how this feels...

I have a confession to make...well, actually more than just one, but it starts with this; writers block. I have had it for weeks. I feel like my head is so full of things I want to share with as many people as possible, then I sit down to start typing and can't articulate a single word. My focus is off, my thoughts are jumbled, and the idea of staring at the computer screen for another minute feels like a chore. All of this time in my own head has led me to some reflecting. 

My husband and I have often "discussed" (argued?) about what truly makes a person healthy. I personally have put a lot focus on the dietary and food aspects of health, as this seems to be the easiest one for people to take control of, and get the best results from. The hubby, on the other hand, believes more in mental aspects health; that positive thoughts and a healthy mind are more important. So where does this leave exercise? Does this ultimately mean we both seem to think healthy movement takes the back-burner? Is this perhaps a reflection of where we each feel we are/were weakest? The questions are endless.

I have to mention Dr. James Chestnut here, who uses his trio of Eat Well - Move Well - Think Well® as the lifestyle foundations for wellness and prevention. Not just one or the other, all of them. I absolutely love this, but must confess, I have placed more value on one or the other in the past. It was the progression through all of them that made me realize how much they all work together. 

I have said this in previous posts, and I will say it again today to add revisions: 

I truly believe that the health and wellbeing of this country starts with what we put into our mouths how we eat, move and think. So many people have abandoned their human instincts and fallen victim to convenience. The misguided information that is presented to us daily through various media sources has made us disconnected with not just our food, and its source, but also to each other. It has gotten to the point that it has made us the sickest species on the planet.One of the biggest causes of debt in this country? Healthcare. Cancer, heart disease, emergency surgeries...medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy. We work hard, save for years, dreaming of retirement, only to have it wiped out by a totally avoidable heart attack. The sad and simple truth really is that this most of this can be avoided...just by changing what we put into our mouths how we eat, move and think.

Last confession for the day: When I first started learning about all of this (what I like to call the true meaning of health) I did not approached my loved ones with the information very all...Live and learn I suppose. I have now branded myself amongst family members as a food nazi, (to put it nicely) and it has become a bit of a taboo subject...I supposed this is deserved. I was pretty unbearable there for awhile. I am taking this moment to extend my apologies. 

The personal truths I have presently come to find, is that true health can never defined by one single action, one single change, or any one single thing at all. It comes from all of these things and many more. Things like the ability to always keep learning, to be humble enough to acknowledge when you have been wrong, and to change your beliefs as you gain knowledge and experience. I hope that I never stop learning, never stop making mistakes and, therefore, never stop making confessions for your personal entertainment. As always, thank you for sticking with me dear readers. Until next time...

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