Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I have recently been giving a lot of thought to my life's priorities. Since I have not posted a blog in a LONG time, this seemed like a good topic to use to help me get back into the swing of thing. Writing has been a big part of my life and the fact that I have been neglecting it does not sit well with me.

This thought process really came to the front of my mind a couple of days ago. I had managed to work up some serious anxiety over whether or not I should use my last hour before work to walk the dogs or finish the laundry. Just writing this out makes me shamefully shake my head at myself. What a stupid thing to get worked up over. I should have been grateful this was all I had to worry about that day.
My priority check landed me on the dog walk for a couple of reasons;
  1. It is nearly impossible to get any work done around my house when the dogs want to go for their walk. 
  2. I decided it would be a good opportunity to relax, clear my head and get some vitamin D. 
This second part completely backfired on me. I always seem to forget that walking my dogs is not even remotely relaxing. Gwynnie seems to think it is her personal obligation to pull me down the sidewalk as hard and fast as she can. By the time I get her reigned in, Digger will spot some unsuspecting kid on a bike or skateboard and charge after them, barking his head off, while simultaneously attempting to pull my arm from the socket. What did I at least get out of the deal? Tired, but happy dogs. They are lucky I love them. I was able to get in a bit of good thinking on this walk, which in turn, did relax me a little. I would like to share some of my recent reflections (in no particular order):

-Life is about growth and change; managing the stress that comes with it becomes a huge part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
-I often have to remind myself to let go of things that are out of my control, to be patient with    
myself and to check in with my priorities. 
-Checking in with yourself and your priorities is important sometimes, as things often need to be rearranged and reorganized.
-Remember to take care of your body, which in turn will help fuel your mind. (and vice versa!)
-It is the past and the future that cause us anxiety, so live in the present moment as much as possible!
-At the end of the day, take note of all that you have and be grateful for it.

Well, my friends, I am writing this at the end of the day and in an effort to practice what I preach, here is a short list of things I am thankful for:

  • A job that does not feel like work
  • A patient husband who loves me
  • Crazy dogs that greet me at the door each day as if I have been gone for a week.
  • A belly full of good food 
    • Sun-dried tomato basil meatloaf, mashed cauliflower with toasted garlic and cashews, and sweet potato cubes fried in bacon grease. I will share these recipes in exchange for blog comments!
Future plan for you, my readers? I am hoping to get out at least one blog a week, if not more, and plan to include things like recipes and links to other blogs of interest. As always, feedback, questions and suggestions are always welcome!


  1. You make me want to be a better person. But mostly I want you to cook me that dinner.

  2. They smile on the whole walk though :)

  3. Lindsay~ I hope you know and see that you are a true inspiration. You bring light to many people's lives everyday you challenge people to be better, feel better and be happier about themselves. Your personality makes people adore you and like many of us I think we are are own biggest critics. Here is a quote that I really like:
    Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away! Stay true you are amazing and thanks for sharing
