Thursday, November 8, 2012


While it may seem to some of us that California is states away, and not our concern, I would like to take a moment to recognize the defeat of Prop 37. 
Those of you who know me well, are probably aware that I am not really a political person. I voted republican for many years, to make my parents proud, but my feelings of distrust and distaste fall onto all sides. I hate election season, the two party system, and the fact that the wellbeing of this country has taken a place miles behind the power of the almighty green dollar. I could go on, but I digress.
I have chosen to take my personal politics a step further than just casting my vote. (which, just to verify, I did do) My politics are now something that I can put into effect with each purchase I make at the grocery store, coop, farmers market or directly with a local farmer. 
I truly believe that the health and wellbeing of this country starts with what we put into our mouths. So many of us have fallen victim to convenience, abandoning our human instincts and following misguided information that is presented to us daily through various media sources. We have become so disconnected with our food, and its source, to the point that it has made us the sickest species on the planet. 
One of the biggest causes of debt in this country? Healthcare. Cancer, heart disease, emergency surgeries...medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy. We work hard, save for years, dreaming of retirement, only to have it wiped out by an avoidable heart attack. The sad and simple truth is that this most of this can be avoided...just by changing what you put into our mouths.
Which leads me to Prop 37...a proposition that would have required foods that have been genetically modified to be labeled as such; ensuring that consumers would be aware of what they were purchasing and putting into their bodies. Many devoted people spent over a year gathering the signatures required to secure a spot on the ballot for Prop 37, but California voted. These people, and their supporters, lost the battle. To quote Sean Croxton, of Underground Wellness:

"Apparently 55% of my State's populace doesn't mind being part of our nationwide food experiment."

I loved this, because that is exactly what it is; an experiment. These GMO foods are largely untested on humans, and as many of them are so new, no one will be able to determine the long term effects of until it is too late. 
What can we do about it? We can start by buying foods that don't need labels at all. We can take the time to care about our bodies, to reconnect with our food and its source. There is information out there to guide us, you just have to look. In the meantime, I will continue to stand up for what I believe. I will continue to learn, to read and to grow. I urge you all to read the blog post on this subject from Sean Croxton, linked here.  He also has an awesome youtube channel and a podcast with some very good and very real information. Until next time dear readers...

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