Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On Change

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

One of the things I always tell my yoga students is that everyone's body is different, you must honor your own. This holds true to so many aspects of life. Lately, my own thoughts have been focused on change. Change - a word, a concept, an aspect - one that is truly what you make of it, and it is different for everyone. The one constant thing change has going, is that it is inevitable. 
Accepting this fact, accepting that change is going to happen no matter what, can bring a lot of peace to life. I don't pretend to have it all figured out, this is an ongoing learning process for me. It usually involves a lot of patience with myself and loved ones, which I also often struggle with. I try to remind myself that everyone is different and learns at a different pace. I would like to take this moment to share a few of the things that help bring me peace, patience and presence in my own life.

  • Learning is really what change is about. Learning is what makes us grow, makes us become better people, working to create a better world to live in.
  • Fear of change is something that we have all felt at one time or another, and it is something that we will all feel again. 
  • No matter what we do, the world will continue to reach out and push change on us, and it will not always be gentle. Such is the way of life, a living, breathing, shifting thing. 
  • There is nothing you  can do to change the past and your future has done nothing to deserve punishment.
  • Recognize that the world is changing. Don't fight it, be part of it. Be awake, be present. It really is a beautiful thing, getting to choose. To choose, not just how we handle change, but what we put out into the world. 
  • This peace and presence can come from connecting with yourself. The parts that make you who you are, thing things that go deeper that just perceptions and aspects of yourself. 


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