Thursday, March 20, 2014

Beet Soup with Tarragon

So this simple soup turned out amazing and I had to share! I used the stellar performance if a Vitamix blender for this so please adjust as needed.
*And my disclaimer, as always, I don't really measure anything, so always adjust to your tastes!

4-6 medium sized beets 
2 cloves garlic
juice and zest of 1 whole lemon
1 can of full fat coconut milk
Fresh Tarragon leaves
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Dice and steam your beets. I steamed the garlic as well for a milder garlic flavor. SAVE THE WATER! Add cooked beets to the blender with the rest of your ingredients plus approximately 1 cup of the remaining water from steaming. You want this because there are nutrients in the water from the beets! Adjust quantity according to desired texture. May need to add more plain water. Purée in blender till smooth!

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