Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tips for a Healthy Holiday

I apologize for my long absence, the holiday season is crazy! I have not forgotten you dear readers, and I also hope you have not forgotten to take care of yourselves during these busy and festive times. Many of us know how hard it is to learn to say no to the donuts that can dominate an office setting, or to pass over the bagel that seems like such an easy choice. With the Christmas season upon us, temptations can surround us at every turn. Here are a few things you can do to stay healthy over the holiday, while still indulging in a few treats.

  • Make your own holiday goodies, with real food and real ingredients. Those trans-fat, chemical laden sugar cookies from the store will be forgotten if you set a plate of Magic Brownie Bars next to them!
  • Volunteer to do some of the cooking at the holiday dinners. This will give you some control over what goes into the food, and potentially avoiding a can-full of high fructose corn syrup.
  • No time to cook? Learn how to navigate the table. Pass on the stuffing and rolls, double up on the meat and salad, and make sure to indulge in some mashed potatoes smothered in butter!
  • Missing that glass of creamy eggnog? Making your own is easy, and can be done dairy free! Check out this coconut milk eggnog recipe, and enjoy every sip.
  • Don't deprive yourself and remember, never tell yourself that you can't have something. Simply choose not to put bad things in your body. There is always a healthier substitution, and thanks to Google, ideas can be found in a snap!
  • Remember to keep movement in your busy life! A half hour walk still leaves 23 and half hours in your day.
~Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sweet Potato Chili

So this recipe turned out really good, but please bear in mind that I don't measure things very often. You may have to tweak spices to taste!

2 lbs beef (I used 1/2 venison)
2 cups beef broth
2 sweet potatoes
1 - 28oz can crushed tomatoes
4 Roma tomatoes
1 large onion
2 carrots
2 bell peppers (I used a green and an orange)
1 jalapeƱo
1/2 of a bunch of cilantro (about 1/2 cup chopped)
3 large garlic cloves (minced or smashed)
1/2 tbs sea salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp chili powder
1-2 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 small cinnamon stick

Brown your meat and dice all of your veggies. Place all ingredients in a large crock pot and mix well. I cooked it on high for about two hours then left it on low for another three hours. Cook until sweet potatoes and carrots are soft, but be careful not to over cook, as your veggies get mushy. Enjoy!