Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let the Sun Shine

"Keep your face always towards the sunshine  - and the shadows will fall behind you."
-Walt Whitman-

I wanted nothing more than to sleep in this morning, but my dogs had other evil plans. I lay in bed thinking about how much I hate 5:30 a.m. but grateful that the sun was at least up. Summer is my absolute favorite time of year. In light of the season before us, I decided to get up and take a moment to discuss getting the maximum benefits from what the sun has to offer. 
Vitamin D is necessary for optimal health, but there are very few food sources for this vital nutrient; so we evolved to absorb and use the suns UVB rays to produce it. 
Unfortunately, modern society has us terrified of the sun. Most people spend all day inside with artificial light, and then when we do get outside, we layer on clothes or sunscreen to "protect" ourselves from the sun. 
Most of us know that vitamin D plays a role in keeping our bones healthy. We also now know that it also plays a role in reducing the risk of things like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and depression (seasonal depression in particular). Humans have become significantly deficient in this nutrient, because we try to obtain it all from food and supplement sources. 
The fact is, unless you are eating a ton of wild caught salmon or knocking back a couple of tablespoons of cod liver oil every day (which I wouldn't recommend in this dose...), you are probably deficient in vitamin D. Are you for sure deficient? The only way to know for sure if to get your blood vitamin D levels tested. Personally, I am opting to save a buck, assume that I am deficient, and take advantage of the summer sun. 
The trick is to be smart about it. Humans are meant to get sunlight, not to get sunburned. Gradually increase your exposure, and cover up if you feel like you are getting too much sun. Optimizing your diet will in turn, optimize your skin condition. Our sun protection is meant to work from the inside, out. I really encourage you to check this post from Mark Sisson. He gives great details on how your body can work to naturally protect you from sunburns. I also recommend giving Dr. James Chestnut's post about sun exposure a read.
In the meantime, get outside and enjoy natures powerful medicine!

A few tips for getting vitamin D:
* Supplementation - make sure you are taking D3, not D2, and research the source of your supplements! (I have run into info that talks about taking it with a serving of fat for optimal absorption, and/or   taking it at night for possibly optimizing your what like with these tidbits.)
* Go for wild caught salmon, not farm raised. If buying canned, buy it with bones in it.
* Spend at least 10 minutes a day, letting the sun hit your skin.
* Read/research your info, question everything and never stop learning!

•Note:  The information on this blog is for informational use only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical conditions or to take the place of your physician. Always consult the appropriate health care professional when you have health problems that you feel might require professional attention, or when adding supplementations, while taking existing prescriptions. 


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