As most of you know, I am pregnant and have about 4-5 weeks to go. For the most part I can honestly say I have enjoyed the third trimester the most thus far...but that does not mean I do not like to complain every now and then, and maybe milk the annoying pregnancy side effects a bit.
Well when she finally called me back later, it was to tell me about the important call she had to take and it almost made me cry right there on the phone...first out of guilt, then out of sheer admiration for the amazing person my mom is.
She began by telling me about a girl who is a student at her school, whom had asked my mom if she could use the art room to make a tree topper for their tree at home; she and her father couldn't afford to buy one. The girl and her father had only recently moved there, after obtaining custody of her.
My mom made a few calls and has since pulled some things together, to not only help give this little family a well-deserved first Christmas together, but also some other things for them to use around their house; including a bed for a child who had been sleeping on the floor.
I have not been able to stop thinking about this. There is a big world out there, and so many of us forget that there are some seriously terrible things that happen to people. We forget to first thank God, to count our blessings, express gratitude and show some love and compassion to others.
The very nature of a complaint starts with a need that isn't being met. This story has put some of the motivators behind my complaints into a very different perspective. Today I began my day by thanking God for my cankles, sore back and never-empty bladder because it means I have been granted the gift of bringing a child into this world. A gift that reminds me of it's presence throughout each day, moving inside me and creating a feeling of love I never thought possible. Mom, I hope you know how amazing you are and thank you for bringing me back to reality this Christmas season. I love you and can't wait to see you when you come to welcome this little gift to the world!
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